This link will take you to the page for agendas, minutes, and budget for the Board of Supervisors: Link
You may check the Township Calendar for meeting dates here (Website) or a PDF Calendar.
Board of Supervisors Meetings Live Stream Link (<– click here)
The East Manchester Township Board of Supervisors are providing viewing access to its meeting via live streaming on Channel Name @EastManchesterTownship (See link below). This will allow the public to view the Board of Supervisors meeting live and will store on YouTube for a controlled amount of time. The meeting link will not allow public participation nor the submission of questions or comments. If any citizen would like to provide public comment during a meeting, they are encouraged to attend the meeting in person. The Township cannot guarantee that there will not be interruptions in the link or recording due to technical difficulties or failures. To ensure full access to any meeting, citizens are encouraged to attend in person.