York County has played a long important role in the history of the United States. In the early 1700s, Springettsbury Manor was established. In 1748, Manchester Township was formed under the Lancaster County court’s authority and included what is now known as Manchester, West Manchester, and East Manchester Townships. The initial settlers in this area were English Quakers, however, German immigrants quickly settled in the area and began farming the fertile land.
By 1799, West Manchester Township was separated from Manchester Township upon a petition of the residents. Manchester Township citizens considered dividing the township a second time in the year 1885. A new township, East Manchester, was formed on January 8, 1887. One of the most historic areas in East Manchester Township was Eib’s Landing. Peter Eib’s land became an important landing place from which lumber was supplied for more than half a century. Parts of Maryland as well as York County were the destination points for this valuable resource. When steam sawmills were constructed in the towns of York Haven and Goldsboro and the North Central Railway was completed, the importance of Eib’s Landing declined. Currently, there is nothing left to mark this historic area of East Manchester Township.
In 1804, a town named New Holland was established through a lottery system by an English Quaker, Frederic Day. This village is located at the mouth of the “Gut” on the Susquehanna River. Like Eib’s Landing, New Holland was a lumber center. In 1825, New Holland, was renamed Day’s Landing, however, the dream for a large prospering town never materialized. Today New Holland is known as Saginaw.
In 1850, New Holland’s post office was relocated to Mt. Cambell. In the year 1852, Adam Wolf & Sons founded a business which operates today under the name of the Wolf Supply Company.
At this time the Mt. Cambell post office was moved to the Wolf Store. A town was settled near the store in 1867 and became a prosperous settlement with industries ranging from cigar to wire cloth factories. Mt. Wolf was incorporated as a borough on August 23, 1910.