East Manchester Township York, Pennsylvania

5080 North Sherman St Ext.
Mount Wolf, PA 17347
Phone: 717-266-4279 | Fax: 717-266-0429
Hours: Mon - Fri (8am - 4pm)

Property Maintenance

The following are the most commonly used enforcement ordinances with the Township. If you do not see something on this list, please do not hesitate to contact us and/or check our codes & ordinances and search a keyword. Please click the below titles to go directly to the Ordinance Sections.

Abandoned/Junked Vehicles

Township staff can investigate and enforce abandoned/junked vehicles on private property. Please call 911 for vehicles in violation sitting on the road.

Animals Other Than Domestic Pets

This ordinance section explains the zoning districts allowing these types of pets as well as the acreage required for having animals other than domestic pets. The Township does not have a specific ordinance limiting the amount of domestic animals.

Animals – SPCA Managed Shelter Admission

This is NOT a Township ordinance or document, however, it is a good informational issued by the SPCA in regards to stray dogs, sick/injured stray animals, healthy free-roaming cats, unhealthy free-roaming cats, kittens with a mom, kittens without a mom, and about the spay/neutered program.

Basketball Hoops

Basketball hoops may not sit on the road way, on the sidewalk, or with in a public right-of-way.


Using explosives are highly regulated and requires permits at the state level. Per Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), many people are often concerned about the effects blasting may have on their home because blasting may cause homes to shake. The effects of blasting may rattle windows, dishes and pictures hung on the wall. You may contact DEP for complaints. The second page of the document linked to the title “Blasting” gives contact information.

Burning – (Fire pits & open burns)

This ordinance section explains prohibited burning, permitted fires, safe distances, hours of burning, and the protocol for open burning.

Dumpsters, PODS, Job Trailers

You do need a permit for these items. Please do not propose to sit these items on the road, sidewalk, or within the right-of-way. Clicking on this title takes you to the application, which has the rules and regulations attached to it. Thank you.

Grass, Weeds, & Extreme Overgrowth

The Township must verify the violation in person before sending notice. 5 days are given to clean up. Citations are issued if the violation is not corrected. If the property is notably vacant, the Township contracts a landscaper to mow the property and then the Towsnhip liens the property.

Home Businesses

Please contact the Zoning Officer for further details. It is illegal to have a home business without proper zoning and possibly building code approvals.

No-Impact Home-Based Business

Please check with the Township before going forth with this type of business. Your business may not be considered no-impact. If the Towsnhip approves your business, then a business registration form will be required to be filled out. Thank you.

Snow & Ice

No notice will be given. The Township does write tickets for this violation and if not paid by the deadline, it will be filed with the District Magistrates office as a citation. Frequently Asked Questions.

Trash & Debris

The Township must verify the violation in person before sending notice. 5 days are given to clean up. Citations are issued if the violation is not corrected.